Whispers of Spirit

Spirit has been whispering to me again.

She has been calling to me in birdsong, in the tinkling waters of the streams as they journey into waterfalls and, the gentlest of all whispers falling from within the swaying leaf song of the tallest trees.

She shared with me the lessons of ‘last moments’, reminding me to be aware. Those precious times we didn’t realize were the last of their kind with loved ones. The last cups of tea shared, the last deep conversation, the last hugs and the last wave goodbye.

She spoke to me clearly today as my wet waterfall footprint faded into light, the midday dry rock taking it into its sun warmth depth and the summer air drinking in its share. She spoke of gratitude and reverence, to always be aware of the grace of moments as they slip from one to the next with some, cloaked in the illusion of permanence.

May we remember our impermanence whilst here in this earthly form and, may love imbibe each moment.

And so it is.




The In-between

And on this day when I was out chasing waterfalls, you Dear Hazel, were resting in the in-between.

You have not yet completely left us for the light which by grace, gifts your loved ones’ time to gather around your bed. They get to share the last precious moments in your beautiful presence and say their goodbyes. At the same time, I sense your other loved ones (and there are many), those who have already taken the journey, gathering in the light ready to walk you across. I know the wonderment and joy that you will have in being reunited with them. You have held them all in a safe space in your heart over the years, waiting for this moment to hold them again.

May your journey be peaceful, may your friends and loved ones that remain here for now, be also at peace. You have been loved by many Hazel and many have felt your love in return.There will be a space in my heart where I shall hold you, wrapped up in memories and love. And one day my dear friend, I shall see you again.

For now, gently let go and let the light in.

Blessed Be 💚



“We are so lightly here. It is in love that we are made. In love, we disappear.” ~ Leonard Cohen

The Quietening: A reflection on Covid-19

I awoke this morning aware of every nuance of sound. Not necessarily unusual sounds per say but certainly ones that my senses had become used to not hearing. The noise of motor vehicles, planes, power tools, school bells and the general buzz of neighborhood activity were now, once again, all subconsciously imbibed. Prior to today, earth had become still of human activity for several months and she had been gifted precious time out to breathe. So had we.

For many years here in Australia, Mother Earth had been showing signs of her despair. She had been expressing herself as ongoing severe drought followed by months of catastrophic bush fires that ravaged this sacred red ground taking with it many of the sentient beings that dwelt upon her. Then, a global infectious dis-ease arrived and with it, a rupture in our ‘normal’, an enforced quietening of the people.

And so, Mother Earth was able to breathe lightly as her lungs and rivers cleansed and for a time, she rested.

The people learned a new way of being. They reflected, faced fears, learnt kindness, love, empathy, solidarity. They rested, became humbled, changed their rhythms, rewired, planted seeds and reconnected as a global community. They better understood the meaning of the human condition and saw the fragility of both themselves and the environment and perhaps, awakened to the two being connected as One.

A gift had been bequeathed to us during the quietening.



And Still I Rise

Earthschool Harmony


I find myself in absolute awe at the strength of human spirit that I am humbled to witness all around me. This beautiful intelligent Universe sends encounters with the sacred by way of change often in a heartbeat, that it knows we need for our spiritual growth.

For many years before my awakening I would fight change, fear change, anything other than face it. But, there was a moment when I was bought down upon my knees and the only thing left to do was pray. I surrendered all to this intelligence, inviting it in to sit beside me and trusting that it will  guide me along the path I need to travel. I have come to see that the only appropriate response to change is gratitude.

You will never know the Blessings that change intends to bestow upon you until the Universe gently lays them down on the path at your holy feet. ♥


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Second Life

From the sacredness of the womb we are birthed into human form and throughout our lives we are offered many opportunities at rebirth.

We are the midwives of our own transformation and ultimately, each of us ache to bear witness to our lives unfolding in a way that brings us contentment. Many opportunities will arise whereby we are able to practice restoration and healing but ultimately, our contentment is not necessarily dependent on our circumstances but our attitude. Life is not meant to be lived in a mundane way but celebrated as we move towards personal and spiritual healing.

Our faith in our metamorphosis will make us whole but we need to choose to rise up and meet these moments as change, can be excruciatingly painful bringing us to our knees. While it can momentarily blind us we need to lovingly move towards living our best lives and make space for the unfolding of a deeper intimacy within ourselves, which includes embracing and accepting our shadow selves.

If we allow change to gently move through us, to go through emotions that honor us, we will find that it opens our hearts to new ways of being.

Our second life.




Weight of Words

1500540625076I have been observing both spoken and written words and see they have the capacity to carry weight.

We engage in speaking multiple times a day in a myriad of different ways, and I would like to think that most of us are conscious of what we say. However, there are words we throw around a little more recklessly that can weigh deeply on others and ourselves.

Perhaps we can learn to pause before we speak, use words that evoke kindness and understanding, listen more and speak less or to not engage at all unless we have words of love and light to share. The weight of words cast a darkness over our victims as we offload them through carelessness, gossip, lack of empathy or fear.

May our words illuminate this world. May they enlighten, encourage and lift ourselves and others up. May we start to vibrate in more positive ways and ultimately, may the healing begin.



We Are Multidimensional Beings

Today I was ruminating on our existence as multidimensional beings. I came to understand that different versions of us are held within the subconscious of every individual we encounter on a daily basis. Each person has formed their opinion of us which will undoubtedly be different from how we each see ourselves. With every encounter we split off again and again fragmenting on a multidimensional level into hundreds, thousands of minds eyes throughout our lifetime, each with their own unique opinion of who they think we are.

But as to who we are if we break it all down into the quantum world, is we are simply atoms. Those atoms are full of even smaller subatomic particles that emit energy and by going in closer and closer to the atoms, we would observe that they actually have no physical structure as they are made of invisible energy and are not tangible matter. As such, we are not that which we observe as being human form and yet additionally, just the mere act of observation of what we perceive as being matter or human, is necessary in the phenomenon of its apparent existence.

“No phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon” John Wheeler, physicist.

We are an illusion, beings of energy and vibration that is connected to all things.

The image below is a version of Saturn photographed from one of its 53 moons. It made me think that this is not how we see Saturn from Earth and yet it is still one and the same thing. It is as we are, an illusion and in itself a multidimensional being.

And so, we are here wrapped in the miraculous illusion of human form. Let us remember to see each other for what we truly are: divine sparks of light energy  vibrating in a holy entanglement with each other.

There is no room for judgement and separation35841616_10156629412439391_1167837960385593344_n there is only room for love.





The Path of Resistance

A new page turns in our earth book of life and the illusion of another new year begins. There are global celebrations and online reminders everywhere beseeching us to pray and give thanks and blessings to nature, to care for Mother Earth.

These requests have made me ponder that there must still be feelings of separation from nature, that many are still walking the path of resistance.  There are divine codes of creation that govern all things, a holy quantum entanglement that moves through us. We are nature. We are Mother Earth. We are the universe. We are all things. One.

There is no source that is separate from us, no other plane of existence that we are not already entangled with and encounters with the sacred, are encounters with your divine self. As we rise up to meet this awareness, we will move into a space of wholeness and become alchemists of not only our own transformation, but we shall bear witness to the transformation of the whole.

Together we rise.




And Still I Rise


I find myself in absolute awe at the strength of human spirit that I am humbled to witness all around me. This beautiful intelligent Universe sends encounters with the sacred by way of change often in a heartbeat, that it knows we need for our spiritual growth.

For many years before my awakening I would fight change, fear change, anything other than face it. But, there was a moment when I was bought down upon my knees and the only thing left to do was pray. I surrendered all to this intelligence, inviting it in to sit beside me and trusting that it will  guide me along the path I need to travel. I have come to see that the only appropriate response to change is gratitude.

You will never know the Blessings that change intends to bestow upon you until the Universe gently lays them down on the path at your holy feet. ♥





Our Souls Have Wings


There are many ways with which to travel and I’m not talking trains, planes and automobiles.

I’m talking dis-entangling from our human form through portals such as mindfulness, meditation, reiki, earthing in nature, crystals, smudging and any other means that connect us to our true essence. With that connection we travel from the restrictive sentry of self to the unrestricted mystery as it unfolds itself anew and reveals to us that which we are. The I am. Held within the arms of grace in an all-knowing universal love energy, we are nourished by this sacred space and reminded there is but a thin veil of illusion that separates us.

Ultimately we are all seeking something bigger than ourselves.  Connecting with universal love energy allows us to reach through the veil and many beautiful portals are offered with which to travel.

May we remember that as much as our vulnerable human bodies exist and we walk upon hallowed ground, our souls have wings. ♥
